Monday, June 3, 2013

Crime of Privilege by Walter Walker

If you like mysteries, twists and turns then you will like this book.  The mystery who done it sprinkled with legal drama and trying to answer the question can money really buy silence and the legal system? 
At the same time this is also a book about trying to redeem oneself from ones past.  In Crime of Privilege can George Becket a young Assistant DA make up for keeping his mouth shut as a young man when faced with trying to find out the truth about the murder of a young college student.  Or will the same money that was used to cover up a rape so many years ago, be able to cover up this crime? 
This book will have you on the edge of your seat.  I found that I could not put it down, as I read through the mystery of trying to see who killed Bill Telford's daughter.  I found Crime of Privilege to be full of enough twists and turns that just when I thought I had it figured out that on second glance, I didn't know who had committed murder. 
I do have to warn you though, there are some graphic details about the rape and some language in this book.
Overall though I enjoyed reading Crime of Privilege.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Knockout Entrepreneur

Do you bring the one, two punch to your business? Want to take things to the next level? George Foreman's Knockout Entrepreneur is a great read for any entrepreneur or anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur.
In George Foreman's In his book, "The Knockout Entrepreneur," George Foreman, perhaps known best for his boxing career and self-named grill, focuses on successful tactics for enhancing one's career, mixing practical advice with anecdotes from his own life and that of other famous people. At the end of each chapter, there's a questionnaire for applying the strategies discussed. Some of the tips included seeing what a product can be rather than what it is, avoiding listening to the crowd, maintaining close relationships with partners or associates, and be willing to break deals if they take away from the bigger picture. A lot of the advice included was broad, and George Foreman's opportunities certainly are nowhere near that of the average person, but nevertheless the read was entertaining and inspirational, occasionally coming across as Donald Trump-esq. Nevertheless, George is a sympathetic character and certainly wasn't born with the connections he now enjoys. Perhaps his most valuable advice is to stay open to whatever opportunities come your way--the more established you become, the more opportunities. After posing for various food related commercials, a company offered George to put his name on their grill and to split the profits. Although George was hesitant, he agreed if for no other reason than a free grill. It was his wife who noticed it's cooking potential. That's how the successful George Foreman grill franchise came about, and just one of his many entrepreneur experiences mentioned in the book. Overall, an interesting read with a good message.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Obstacles Welcome by Ralph de la Vega

When Ralph de la Vega arrive in this country, he did not speak the language, did not have his family with him and he was 10 years old. What would you do if you were facing those obstacles? In his book Obstacles Welcome de la Vega describes how this 10 year old boy went on to be the President & CEO of AT&T Mobility.
This is a wonderful book for anyone facing obstacles in their lives, which pretty much is everyone. We all have things that we feel are stopping us from succeeding; stopping us from moving forward, stopping us from being the people we want to be. Obstacles Welcome will inspire you to look at obstacles, not as problems but as opportunities.
At the same time Ralph de la Vega, explains what it takes to be an extraordinary leader of others who are facing obstacles. He tells how to inspire others to follow you, and empower them to become leaders.
I recommend this book to anyone who is facing obstacles in his or her live and anyone who is currently in the position of leading others, whether it is a corporation, organization, small group or your own family. The easy to follow guidelines and graphs to monitor your progress will help anyone.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fresh Start by Doug Fields

Stuck, do you or have you ever felt like you were stuck in a relationship that's not working, a job you hate, a habit you wish you could break? I think all of us feel stuck at some time or another, but do we have to stay that way? Or can we have a "fresh start?"
In Doug Fields' new book "Fresh Start" you will learn how to become unstuck and how to have life more abundantly, as Jesus said that He came to give us. This is not a psycho babble, think and be happy book. It won't tell you to just try harder, but with each chapter it will give you easy steps you and I can both do, not to change our lives ourselves but to cooperate with what God wants to do in and through our lives.
I found this book refreshing, and full of steps that I have already implemented in my own life to allow me to have a fresh start.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Fear, it seems to grip us all, every one of us has something that we are afraid of. We fear terrorists, the economy, losing our jobs, losing our health, whatever it is, fear is everywhere. What would happen if we could replace fear with faith? That instead of dwelling on the what-if’s or what could happen, we concentrated on Jesus and His power.
The Gospels urge us some 21 times to “not be afraid” or “fear not” or “have courage” or “take heart” or “be of good cheer.’ It is the most common command given.

In Max Lucado’s latest book, “Fearless” he discusses the most common things that we all fear from the “Fear of not Mattering” to the fear of “What if Things Get Worse?.”
In Max Lucado unique style, he explains not only that we all fear something, but that the only true escape from fear is faith in Jesus Christ.
This is book is both insightful and informative. Whether you are currently living a life that is overcome with fear or you have faced fear in the past you will come away with a greater understanding of fear the consequences of it, plus you will learn how to allow God to release you from your fear and to truly put your trust and faith in Jesus.